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Terms & Conditions

* When you purchase a flight from you are using a service provided by IKB Travel & Tours Limited, a member of IATA & ATOL.

* IKB Travel & Tours Limited is registered in England and Wales with registered number 3199308. Its registered address is 230 Edgware Road , London , W2 1DW .

* Generally, the more flexible the ticket the more expensive it is likely to be and you need to take various points into consideration before deciding between the fares on offer.

* Bookings made online through our secure server are bonded by IKB Travel& Tours Limited under their Air Travel Organisers Licence (ATOL) 74553.

* To help you, below are IKB Travel & Tours general booking conditions. Please read them carefully.

•  Contract

Any booking made or order placed by you, whether through the website or otherwise, shall be deemed an offer by you to purchase the relevant items subject to these booking conditions. Note that IKB Travel & Tours Limited are selling the tickets as agents for the airlines, which means the contract for the flight product will be between you and the airline.

Please note that for each ticket there are additional terms which are specific to that fare. They may, for example, state that the ticket is non-cancellable or non - refundable, and have other information relating to itinerary and refunds. You must read the FLIGHT RULES for each ticket. You can find the relevant FLIGHT RULES on the website when you progress through the purchase path .

You are responsible for complying with any airline's terms in relation to check-in times, reconfirmation of flights or other matters. In relation to flight tickets, you are required to use all flight coupons in order of sequence. If this requirement is not met the airline may void the ticket.

A contract arises between you and the airline when we send you a confirmation e-mail on behalf of IKB Travel & Tours Limited confirming that they have accepted your booking.

•  Fares

All fares are quoted exclusive of taxes, plus the tax amount, post fee if applicable and ticketing fee and then a total. These are added together to form your final quotation. Fares are subject to change without prior notice and are only guaranteed when following confirmation of the contract.

•  Reservations

In the vast majority of cases IKB Travel becomes aware of the availability of flights tickets for sale because it connects to large databases operated by third parties, which contain that availability. These databases are commonly called General Distribution Systems (GDS) or Central Reservation Systems (CRS), and it is through these GDS/CRS that IKB Travel purchases the relevant ticket.

Be aware that certain airlines do not maintain "real time" seat availability in the GDS/CRS. Whilst every effort is made to reflect the true situation, instances may occur when airlines cancel sales. IKB Travel & Tours Limited will advise you within 48 hours if this is the case and will do all they can to reinstate your booking.

Further, there are a tiny number of airlines, which participate in the GDS/CRS, but do not participate in the UK Ticketing plan. In the unlikely event that you purchase tickets from an airline that does not participate in the UK Ticketing Plan, IKB Travel & Tours will be unable to issue the relevant tickets, and will have to terminate the reservation.

In either instance we will not be liable for any additional costs incurred in having to purchase new tickets at a higher fare. Payment for tickets will of course be refunded to you if the reservation is terminated by the airline or us.

•  Tickets

If it is not possible to get your flight tickets to you (eg because your travel date is imminent) we may insist that you have an "e-ticket" generated. This means that you will have to pick up your ticket at your point of departure. Don't worry, IKB Travel & Tours will make sure you know exactly where to pick up your tickets

•  Flight Reconfirmation

All onward , outward and return flights must be reconfirmed with the relevant airlines at least 72 hours prior to the commencement of that leg of the journey. IKB Travel Limited accepts no responsibility for bookings cancelled due to non-compliance with rules set by that particular airline. IKB Travel also take no responsibility for any flight rescheduling en route.

In the event of a schedule change it is not always necessary to have your tickets revalidated, however in the event that this is necessary we will inform you in due course and issue new tickets for you to use on your journey.

•  Passports/Visas/Health Requirements

IKB Travel & Tours Limited are very happy to inform you of current documentation requirements if you so require. It is incumbent upon you to ensure that you meet the passport, visa, health requirements of the countries you wish to visit and those that you transit (even if it is for a plane change). Many countries require that your passport should be valid for a period of (a minimum) six months from the date of arrival into that country. Neither IKB Travel nor accept any responsibility if you should be denied boarding or deported due to non-fulfilment of the above.


•  Insurance

IKB Travel strongly urges you to carry appropriate travel insurance to cover you for cancellation, health, baggage etc.

•  Airline regulations/conditions of carriage

Please note that in all transactions IKB Travel acts as agents of the airlines you have chosen to book on. Please read your ticket wallet for their conditions of carriage.

•  Cancellation / Amendments
If you need to change or cancel your travel plans, it is your responsibility to notify IKB Travel in writing of such request. Some tickets are non-refundable, but can be applied (for a limited time) toward future travel, less any applicable penalties. Some tickets do not allow changes.

IKB Travel applies an administration fee of £45 per person for any modifications, changes or cancellations to fares. This will be regardless of the price or face value of the fare.

In addition to the IKB Travel charges, most airlines also have a penalty or cancellation fee for any changes or cancellations to fares. Please ensure you read the FLIGHT RULES for the fare selected as airline charges are notified in those rules depending on whether you wish to cancel or change your flight. If you are holding a booking for which a ticket has been arranged and you do not notify us in writing of your desire to cancel, this will be treated as a "no show" and could result in you losing all that you paid.

•  Refunds

If you want to cancel your journey it is important that you notify us in writing with utmost urgency. This enables us to cancel your reservation with the airline. If you already have your ticket please submit it to us. Tickets must be sent to:

IKB Travel & Tours Limited

Refund & Cancellation

IKB House

230 Edgware Road

London , W2 1DW

On receipt of the ticket we will send you an acknowledgement that we have received it. Those tickets which are refundable or cancelled by us will be processed and refunded back to your credit card in approximately 10 weeks from our receipt of the ticket. Some tickets may need to be submitted to the airline for the cancellation and/or refund to be authorized. In this event your refund request may take longer, but we will advise you in our acknowledgement of the expected turnaround period. Please note that most airlines do not refund on part used tickets. Tickets which are returned more than 1 year from date of issue are classified as expired tickets and must be submitted to the airline for their authority to refund.

•  Lost Tickets

If you lose your tickets, it may be possible to re-issue them for a fee. The amount payable will depend on the circumstances of the loss and how close to the travel date you discover it. However, not all tickets can be re-issued; which is another good reason for ensuring you have sufficient insurance cover. Tickets will be dispatched to you in accordance with your instructions and we accept no responsibility for their delivery. Lost tickets which cannot be re-issued are refunded at the sole discretion of the airline, these refunds can take up to one year to be authorized.

•  Liability

As IKB Travel & acts as agent this will mean that it will have no contractual liability to you in respect of the flight product. However, it may still be liable to you if it has been negligent, it has misrepresented important information or has been in breach of any other relevant law.

•  Unreasonable behaviour

If in the reasonable opinion of a person acting in authority you are not fit to travel, he or she may refuse to let you board the aircraft. Normally this happens if such person thinks you are likely to disturb or harm other passengers. In this case your contract with IKB Travel will end immediately and we will no longer be responsible for you.

•  IKB Travel & Tours Limited Data Protection and Privacy Policy

(a) What do we do with your personal information?

When you buy anything via the site or give us any personal data as indicated above , we may need to collect information about you to process the transaction, fulfil your order and provide you with the services you expect then and in the future. This information may include, but is not limited to, details such as your name, your address, your phone number and your credit card details.

Unless we have your express consent we will only disclose personal data to third parties if this is required for the purpose of completing your transaction with us. This is of course subject to the proviso that we may disclose your data to certain permitted third parties, such as members of our own group, our own professional advisers who are bound by confidentiality codes, and when we are legally obliged to disclose your data.

By becoming a subscriber you consent to receive from us by e-mail our e-newsletter and details of other special offers which we may think may be of interest to you.

By subscribing to our on themove' SMS services you consent to receive from us by SMS. MMS, EMS or voice-message our m-newsletter and details of other special offers which we may think may be of interest to you.

IKB Travel &Tours retains and uses your personal information to provide you with the best remote commerce (including electronic and mobile commerce) experience by providing you with a personalised service and to give you details of offers which we think will be of interest to you. We may also use the information to process any transactions you undertake with us and for internal administration and analysis. For quality assurance and training reasons we record most of the calls you make to us.

We do not sell, rent or trade your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes without your express consent.

(b)Third Party Advertising

The ads appearing on this Web site are delivered to you, on our behalf, by our Web advertising partner. Information about your visit to this site, such as number of times you have viewed an ad (but not your name, address, or any other personal information), is used to serve ads.

(c) Data

In the UK we operate and are registered in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

(d) Consent

By disclosing your personal information to us using this website or over the telephone, you consent to the collection, storage and processing of your personal information by IKB Travel in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy. Some information and e-mails sent to IKB Travel may be used as testimonials but no e-mail address or contact details will be displayed.

•  Payment

All credit/debit card transactions are carried out on behalf of IKB Travel ( ) by Barclays EPDQ Merchant bank PLC after ticketing confirmation the user is forwarded to a secure payment system guaranteed by Barclays EPDQ Merchant bank PLC where the user may pay for their booking.  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   iraqiairways   |   |   |   |