If your checked-in bags do not arrive at the airport upon your arrival, please locate a Iraqi Airways Representative and produce your ticket and boarding pass. On the ticket or boarding pass, the Check-In Agent would have attached your baggage identification number. The Iraqi Airways representative will be able to trace and advise whether the bag has been delayed.
At this time, you will be required to complete and sign a Property Irregularity Report Form.
If a bag has been delayed you are given two options:
- You may have your bag/s delivered to your home
- You may opt to return to the airport to collect your bag/s
Conditions as they apply to each option: -
- The passenger will need to complete and sign a Passenger Declaration Form, advising Customs that Iraqi Airways has been given permission to clear the bag/s on behalf of the passenger. The airline personnel may clear the passenger's baggage only if the contents are non-dutiable. If the items are deemed non-dutiable, the bags will be sent to the address provided, without charge.
- If the contents are deemed dutiable by Customs you will be required to come to the airport to clear your own bag/s.
Email: bags@iraqiairways.co.uk